A02.1 A History of the Church in Latin America
Portada y contraportada
Preface to the English Edition...viii [pp.v-xxiii]
Translator's Preface...xiii
Preface to the First Spanish Edition...xv
Preface to the Second Spanish Edition...xviii
Preface to the Third Spanish Edition...xx
PART ONE [pp.1-20]
Chapter I. Domination-Liberation: A Different Kind of Theological Discussion...3
- Domination- Liberation...3
- A Genetic-Political Beginning...3
- A Genetic-Erotic Point of Departure...5
- A Genetic-Pedagogical Point of Departure...5
- "Face-to-Face": Totality and Exteriority...6
- The Dominating Praxis: Sin and the "Poor"...7
- The Liberating Praxis: Redemption and the "Prophet"...9
- Toward an Ecclesiology of Redemptive Liberation...10
- The Protocol of Theological Discourse...11
- The Conditioning of Theological Thinking...11
- Faith and Christian Praxis...13
- Revelation and Faith: The Anthropological Epiphany...15
- Theology and History...16
- The Praxis of Liberation and Theology...18
- Toward a Theology of the Liberation of the Oppressed...19
Chapter II. The Latin American Culture...21 [pp.21-31]
- Universal Civilization and Regional Culture...21
- Civilization...21
- The Ethos...22
- The Project...23
- What is Culture?...24
- Latin American Culture?...24
- Latin American Culture and National Culture...26
- Prehistory...26
- Protohistory...27
- History...27
- The Latin American Nation...27
- The Different Levels...29
- Is National History Particular?...31
Chapter III. Relations Between the Church and Culture...32 [pp.32-35]
- The Level of Civilization...32
- The Level on which "Relations" are Established...33
- The “Ethico-mythical Nucleus" of a Culture and Christian Understanding...33
- Christian Charity and the Pagan Ethos...33
PART TWO [pp.37-46]
- The Amerindian Cultures...37
- Hispanic Christendom...37
- The Patronato System as an Institution of Christendom...38
Chapter IV. The Clash Between Two Cultures and the Condition of the Church...41
- The Instruments of One Civilization versus the Instruments of Another...41
- The Indian World View versus the Hispanic World View...41
- The Work of the Missionary...43
Chapter V. Important Stages in the History of the Church During the Colonial Period...47 [pp.47-61]
- The First Stage (1492 - 1519)...47
- The Second Stage: Christian Missions in New Spain and Peru (1519 - 551)...49
- The Third Stage: The Strengthening and the Organization of the Church (1551 - 1620)...55
- The Fourth Stage: Conflict Between the Missionary Church and the Hispanic Civilization (1620-1700)...58
- The Fifth Stage: The Bourbon Decadence (1700-1808)...60
Chapter VI. An Analysis of the Evangelistic Work Continued by the Church in Latin America...62 [pp.62-71]
- The "Mediations" of the Pre-Hispanic Religions and the Clash with the
"Mediations" of the Hispanic Catholic Church...62
- The "Comprehensions" of the Pre-Hispanic Religions and of the Catholic
Missionary Religion...64
- What Has Constituted a Mixed Religion?...66
- The Typology of the Inhabitants of the Continent with Respect to the Christian
Faith as Discerned in the Colonial Era...69
PART THREE [pp.73-86]
Chapter VII. The Crisis in the Neocolonial States...75
- The Crisis of the Bourgeois Revolution and of the Creole Oligarchy...75
- The Crisis of the Universalization of the National Communities...78
- Institutional Secularization...80
- The Crisis Within "Popular Catholicism"...82
Chapter VIII. The Principal Stages in the History of the Church in Politically
Neocolonial Latin America...87 [pp.87-116]
- The Sixth Stage: The Crisis of the Wars for Independence (1808-1825)...87
- The Attitude of the Episcopacy...87
- The Attitude of the aergy...90
- The Attitude of the New Governments...91
- The Seventh Stage and the Deepening Crisis (1825 - 1850)...94
- The Antecedents of the Attitude of the Holy See...94
- The Constructive Attitude of the Holy See since 1825...96
- The Church and the Conservative State...97
- The European Missionary Crisis...100
- The Eighth Stage: The Final Rupture (1850 - 1930)...101
- The Church and the Liberal State...101
- Inorganic Development...104
- The Missionary Renaissance...105
- The Plenary Latin American Council of 1899...106
- The Ninth Stage: The Renaissance of Latin American Elites and the Model of
a ..New Christendom" (1930-1962)...106
- The Intellectual Renewal...107
- Catholic Action...108
- The Social Struggle...109
- Sources of Renewal...110
- The Attitude of the Episcopacy...113
Chapter IX. An Evaluation of Latin American Catholicism Until 1962...117 [pp.117-123]
- Catholicism and the Masses...118
- The Church and Faith...121
- Faith and Signs...122
PART FOUR [pp.125-136]
Chapter X. The Latin American Crisis of Liberation...127
- The Crisis of the Popular Revolution...127
- The Crisis of Integration and the Discovery of Latin America...132
- The Movement toward Integration...132
- Toward Cultural Liberation...135
Chapter XI. A Description of Recent Events...137 [pp.137-239]
The Tenth Stage: A New Beginning (1962-1979)...137
- The Church and Its Great Challenges...138
- Fundamental Collegial Moments...138
- The Church and the Militarist, Bourgeois, or Reformist State...148
- The Church, the Socialist Movement, and Violence...160
- The Church and Racial Minorities...176
- Support for Agrarian Reform...179
- The Ministries at Present...184
- The Attitude of the Bishops...184
- The Attitude of the Priests...193
- The Attitude of the Monks and Nuns...208
- The Attitude of the Christians...211
- From Sucre to Puebla (1972 - 1979)...222
- The Situation in Sucre (1972)...222
- The Ecclesiastical Situation from Sucre to Puebla (1973-1979)...224
- The Situation in Puebla (1979)...229
- The "Letter of the Law" in the Puebla Text and the "Puebla-event"...237
Chapter XII. The Theological Meaning of Events Since 1962...240 [pp.240-253]
- Different Dialectical Moments and Their Correct Relation...240
- The Dominator-dominated Dialectic...241
- The Prophecy-people Dialectic...241
- The Past-present-future Dialectic...242
- On the Birth of Latin American Theology...244
- The Dialectic of the "Inside-outside" of the Church...247
- A Sociopolitical Diagnosis of the Present Christian Commitment...250
- The Trinitarian Unity of Christian Liberation...252
General Conclusions...254 [pp.254-255]
Footnotes...257 [pp.257-290]
Appendix I Reflections on Methodology for a History of the Church in Latin America...293 [pp.293-305]
Appendix II A Hypothesis for a History of Theology in Latin America...306 [pp.306-342]
Appendix III A Brief Lexicon of Latin American and Technical Terms Used...343 [pp.343-360]
Maps, Diagrams, and Charts...346
Portada y contraportada