Ethical Hermeneutics
Portada y contraportada
Preface...ix [pp.ix-xxiii]
1. Emmanuel Levinas's Phenomenology and the Allegiance to Reason...1 [pp.1-17]
- The Critique of Theory: The Horizons of Theory...2
- The Phenomenology of the Other and the Struggle to Be Rational....4
- Phenomenology and Rationality in Levinas...8
2. Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation: Discovery and Integration of Levinas's Thought...18 [pp.18-49]
- Levinas and Dussel's Anthropological Works...19
- Levinas and Dussel's Reading of Hegel...26
- Levinas and the Ethics of Latin American Liberation...28
3. Overcoming Levinas: Analectical Method and Ethical Hermeneutics...50 [pp.50-81]
- Analectical Method Beyond Levinas: Latin American Mediations and the Analogical Word of the Other...50
- Analectical Method and the Unmasking of False Universalism...57
- Analectical Method, Ethical Hermeneutics, and the Positive Assessment of Reason...67
4. Ethical Hermeneutics: History, Economics, and Theology...82 [pp.82-112]
- History...82
- Economics (Marx)...90
- Religion/Theology...105
5. Rationality in Dussel: The American Critics...113 [pp.113-126]
- Cerutti and Schutte on Dussel...113
- Assessing the Criticism...116
6. Rationality in Dussel: The Critique of Karl-Otto Apel...127 [pp.127-160]
- Karl-Otto Apel's Transcendental Pragmatics...127
- Can Transcendental Pragmatics Replace the Philosophy of Liberation?...132
- Is Dussel's Reappropriation of Marx Anachronistic?...142
- Conclusions...154
Bibliography...161 [pp.161-174]
Index...175 [pp.175-184]
Portada y contraportada